Which Life Lessons Do You Learn From Hunting?

Man posing with sika deer

Tioga Ranch is a place where hunters from all over the U.S. come to hunt boar and more. The ranch comprises hundreds of acres, and guided big game hunts are available.

Why bother hunting? Well, it’s a sport and people like sports because they like to challenge themselves. And with hunting, you can get a trophy prize to display in your living room and/or some meat to eat, too.


Of course, there are some good life lessons you can learn through hunting. Perhaps the main life lesson is patience. You’ve got to be patient as a hunter. It’s going to take time and effort on your part to find and kill the animal you’re after… and we live in a society that does not value patience very much. We can go on our phones and receive news from around the world instantly. We can use our TV to download/stream a movie instantly. In a way, we have a culture that’s all about getting things quickly, but reality– beyond screens and the digital life– demands we actually have patience. With hunting, a person must wait. And they can learn to enjoy the wait. 

Spatial Awareness

What about awareness of surroundings? You’d be surprised how many people pay little or no attention to what’s going on around them– thanks a lot, smartphones. Anyway, with hunting, you literally have to pay attention to what’s going on around you. You learn to observe nature using your senses. Related to this is the life lesson of being adaptable to change. After all, life is always changing, and hunting has many moments where you’re forced to change plans whether you want to or not. You have to adapt. You have to be willing to change, to learn, to grow and all that good stuff. Meanwhile, there will be times as a hunter that you’ll be disappointed because things didn’t go as planned. That’s a life lesson right there: life doesn’t always go your way… and that’s okay. Dealing with disappointment helps a person build character. Tests become testimonies down the line. 

Focus and Diligence

Finally, hunters need to focus and be hard workers. You can’t just wander into the woods and hope to shoot something. You’ve got to know your goal and work toward it. You’ve got to use things like rifle scopes to get your shot(s) in focus, literally. And it takes work to get the animal you want to get! 

Hunting teaches many valuable life lessons. Experience guided hunts at Tioga Ranch; Call 570-835-5341 for info.