So you’re gearing up for a deer hunting trip at Tioga Ranch? Nice! What are some things not to do when hunting deer?
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Before you actually get out on the land in search of deer to hunt and kill, you should make sure you practice using your bow or rifle often. That way you’re prepared for the actual hunt. Don’t just go into a hunt without having done any shooting/target practice beforehand.
Spending the Right Amount of Tracking Time
What about finding deer? Some hunters check trail cameras too often or scout too much. You don’t want to take the challenge out of the sport. If you have a guided hunt, your guide will get you into the vicinity where deer are located, so you can rely on them to at least steer you in a good direction. That said, don’t take the fun out of hunting by knowing exactly where the deer are located at all times.
Don’t wear the wrong clothes to go deer hunting because you don’t want to be too warm or too cold. Ideally, you want to wear multi-layers such that you can strip off some of the heavier stuff if the weather warms up. On the other hand, don’t go out hunting in just a t-shirt and jeans, either. If it gets too cold, you’ll be freezing. There are all sorts of hunting clothes you can choose from to be comfortable (and camouflaged) when hunting– go to your local sporting goods retailer and check their hunting section for the right clothing– and boots. And if you buy new hunting boots, wear them before the actual hunt so they’re “worn-in” and won’t give you blisters.
Finally, don’t forget to mask your scent. Hunters are usually great about this at the beginning of the season but then forget about it later on. You can use scent-eliminating soaps and detergents. And, if possible, put your hunting clothes in a plastic bag and bring them to the site, putting them on right before your hunt, rather than letting them get smells on them from the car ride there, with gas station stops and such.
If you want to put yourself in position for a successful deer hunting trip, contact the Tioga Ranch today.