A trophy ram hunt can be a dream adventure for any hunter. Tioga Boar Hunting offers hunters the chance to set their sights on four different types of rams during our affordable, guided hunting trips.
Rocky Mountain Rams
These rams are known for their pale fur and impressive, curved horns. The land at Tioga Ranch provides an ideal environment to hunt Rocky Mountain rams. These rams thrive at Tioga Ranch and average 180 pounds. They usually have one and a quarter curls in their horns, and sport a thick hide coat during the winter months.
Black Hawaiian Rams
These rams are rare and are a dream hunt for many hunters. Tioga Ranch has had herds of black Hawaiian rams for 40 years, allowing hunters to bag a one of these highly sought-after trophy rams right here in Pennsylvania. Mature black Hawaiians can weigh as much as 140 pounds, and have tightly curled or flared horns that may have a three-quarter to full curl.
Texas Dall Rams
The Texas Dall ram is a popular exotic animal, and hunters have been pursuing these rams at Tioga Ranch for more than 40 years, as well. The mature rams are typically white or golden in color, and weigh in as much as 125 pounds. Their horns are also in a tighter pattern than some other breeds, featuring a three-quarter to full curl.
Corsican Rams
Rounding out our ram species, Corsican rams are another popular exotic animal that can be hunted at Tioga Ranch. A mature Corsican ram may have colors ranging from reddish to tan to brown, and notably feature an impressive black mane on the front of its neck. Corsican rams at Tioga Ranch may weigh 125 pounds and, like the Texas Dalls, usually have a tight three-quarter to fully curled set of horns.
Tioga Ranch has been providing memorable hunting trips for more than 40 years, and our experienced, professional guides strive to make every trip a great experience for each of our guests. Our ranch includes hundreds of acres of prime hunting habitat, and provides one the best hunting experiences possible in the Eastern U.S. Call us at 570-835-5341 today to learn more or to schedule your trophy hunt.