In 2019, there was one major hunting change that was made that still has many hunters reeling. The first day of the firearms season was moved from the Monday after Thanksgiving to the Saturday after Thanksgiving for the first time since 1962. It shook a lot of hunters to their core. And there could be even more hunting changes coming in 2020. Here are several potential changes that are on the table right now that could affect the 2020-21 hunting season.
Hunting on Sundays

This one isn’t actually a “potential” change. It’s a change that’s going to happen. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed a law in 2019 that calls for hunting in the state on three Sundays each year, starting in 2020. One of these Sundays will take place during rifle deer season and another will take place during archery deer season. The third Sunday is a wild card that could take place during any season. It might end up being put in the middle of bear season.
Hunting both bucks and does during the full firearms deer season
In 2019, hunters were only allowed to go after bucks during the first six days of the firearms season. They were then allowed to go after both bucks and does during the final seven days of the firearms season. In 2020, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners is considering allowing hunters to go after both bucks and does throughout the full firearms season. This is seen as controversial since some people have argued that hunters should have less access to antlerless deer, not more.
Hunting more squirrels
The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners seems to think that people aren’t hunting squirrels enough these days. As a result, they may move the squirrel hunting season up several weeks in September. More specifically, they’re going to aim to try and make the youth-only season longer to give younger hunters a chance to hunt more squirrels.
As you can see, there are a lot of potential hunting changes on the table in Pennsylvania right now. However, one thing that won’t change is the experience that you’ll get when you schedule a guided hunt at Tioga Boar Hunting. We can help you hunt everything from boars and Rocky Mountain rams to elk and whitetail on our ranch. Call 570-835-5341 to set up a hunting trip with us.