Elk Hunting Trips
Are you interested in guided trophy elk hunts and big game hunting in Pennsylvania? If so, at Tioga Ranch in Pennsylvania, you can hunt Elk from late August through November. The absolute best time to hunt Elk is September and October, so booking an elk hunt for fall is ideal. If you’re looking for affordable guided Elk hunts, Tioga Ranch is the place to be. From trophy Elk to cow Elk for great meat, Tioga Ranch in Tioga, PA, is the ideal place to hunt Elk.

Why Hunters Love Guided Elk Hunts
Why do people hunt Elk? A survey was taken, asking thousands of hunters that question. Some of the top motivations included “being outdoors,” “seeing an elk in a natural setting,” “being close to nature,” “viewing the scenery” and “being with friends.” Meanwhile, Elk hunting was also a good way to spend time with family as well as a way to “put delicious meat on the table.”
For some, Elk hunting is special because they want to put a set of big antlers on their wall. Others want to fill their freezers with Elk meat that is devoid of GMOs, hormones and antibiotics, and is grass fed and free ranging!
What about the love of hunting in general? For some, “I hunt because that is who I am,” explains it all. In pursuit of furred or feathered, hooves or fins, hunters enjoy the pursuit, the stalking, the butchering, the grilling and the eating of animals they catch. Hunting elk is an unforgettable experience.
Elk Hunting is a Real Challenge
Elk hunting isn’t easy and it’s not something most hunters would do alone. To have a guide proves invaluable. At Tioga Ranch, guided Elk hunts become a shared experience. Guides are experts who know where to look for Elk. They know the herd and they know how to successfully kill a bull or a cow… therefore, an amateur or intermediate hunter benefits from their guide’s knowledge and expertise. After all, their guide knows the lay of the land and is there to facilitate a successful hunt. And the camaraderie? Well that’s part of the whole experience, too. It’s good to meet others who share the love of the hunt and can talk about all the insider stuff non-hunters don’t know about!
We Offer Affordable Guided Elk Hunts

Tioga Ranch believes in offering affordable guided Elk hunts. Whether you’re looking to find young management bulls or trophy Elk bulls over 400 inches, fully guided hunts give you a great experience that’s well worth your time and money. Since we have a private ranch, no license is required! Meanwhile, our Elk hunts include one night’s lodging, as well as meals, skinning and quartering. Want to have your meat processed into steaks, chops, roasts, spare ribs, or ground meat, and have it all vacuum sealed? We’ll take care of that messy process for you in a quick, efficient and convenient way for an additional $350.
Ultimately, the price for an Elk hunt is determined by the trophy quality of the bull and/or the size and sex of the Elk. Bull Elk hunts start at $8000.00 and Cow Elk hunts are $3500.00.
Did You Know Cow Elk Hunts Provide Great Meat?
Female Elk are called cows. Hunters historically have hunted cows for population control. Wildlife agencies have, in the past, issued tags to encourage the hunter harvest of cows in order to “cull the herd.” By eliminating some cows, hunters are actually helping make for a younger, more vigorous, resistant-to-disease herd. Indeed, more and more bulls survive the winters, the pregnancy rate in cows improves with fewer late calves, and the overall herd is better off, health-wise.
Why hunt cows instead of bulls for Elk meat? Well, as food for humans to eat, cows and calves offer “better” meat than bulls. Meanwhile, a typical cow provides 120 to 180 pounds of edible meat. When you think about that number, it really is amazing– that’s a lot of dinners full of protein-rich meat, right? And think about this: you can’t eat antlers! That’s a good point– the bull’s antlers aren’t something you’d end up putting on your table to try and eat next Thanksgiving.
If you’re looking for a meat that’s very healthy and still tastes great, Elk meat is a great choice. It’s naturally low in fat, low in cholesterol and high in protein. It’s a dark red, dense meat that’s very tender and doesn’t need marinating. Taste-wise, it’s similar to beef, but with a little more flavor. In fact, Elk meat can be substituted for beef in most recipes (with some changes). The American Heart Association deemed it “The Heart Smart Red Meat” and some people have called it “The Better Beef.”
For those hunters who want to help feed their families, a guided Elk cow hunt at Tioga Ranch is ideal.
Make reservations for your guided elk hunt today!