How can you become a better elk hunter? Take some time to prepare yourself for the hunt physically and mentally and do things that experts would do…
Get in Physical Shape
For starters, do what you can physically do to get in better shape. Hunting elk requires some strength and stamina– it always seems like you have to go uphill to get ‘em… If you workout at home or at a gym, do the Stairmaster machine. Lift weights. Jog or run around your neighborhood. Heck, even just walk more to get your heart pumping and allow yourself to take in big bucketfuls of air. Getting better in shape helps make you a better elk hunter.
Be on the Move
Next, be prepared to cover a lot of ground when hunting elk. Rather than just stay put and wait for elk to come to you, you’re going to have to walk a lot. Sometimes you’ll walk several miles in one day, and you might even have to go over a mountain just to catch up to them! By the way, if you go to the same spot and camp out every year but never find elk in that area, stop wasting time– move camp and find another area to hunt. It’s best to get away from roads and trails and instead look for them in pockets of dark timber or rough country.
Control the Controllables
When hunting elk, you need to do so with the wind in your favor. Do what you can to avoid letting your scent be discovered by elk.
Own and use high quality binoculars, as well as comfortable, high quality boots for your feet.
If possible, go on a guided hunt and learn from your guide. Pick his or her brain and utilize helpful tips and tricks to become a better hunter. Are you looking to hunt elk in rural Pennsylvania? Call Tioga Ranch at 570-835-5341 to book your guided elk hunt today.