Could Hunting on Sundays in Pennsylvania Become a Thing?

Way back in 1873, the state of Pennsylvania decided to ban hunting on Sundays. Since then, hunters have gotten into the habit of putting their hunting gear away and staying home on Sundays, even in the middle of hunting seasons. However, that could all change soon if a group of lawmakers gets their way. They’re… Read more »

How Hunters Impact Conservation

Hunters are sometimes criticized for not being concerned enough about conservation. People wrongfully assume that, because people hunt, they are only interested in taking things away from the earth rather than giving back to it. In reality, hunters are extremely concerned about conservation and help preserve wildlife in many ways. Here are some great examples… Read more »

Some Interesting Health Benefits Obtained by Hunting

Many hunters may not realize it, but there are tons of health benefits that come along with taking a hunting trip. Hunting can be good for both your body and your mind, which is why you should try and hunt as often as possible if you enjoy doing it. Take a look at just a… Read more »

Keep Tabs on Your Game Licenses with New App

When you come to Tioga Boar Hunting, you are looking for a hunting experience like no other. Here you can enjoy the best in boar, whitetail deer and elk hunting, and you can do it all with experienced guides and at prices that will not break the bank. One of the best reasons to come… Read more »

Next Generation Leading the Improved Safety of Hunting

Firearms can be dangerous in the wrong hands, but hunters know that guns can be used safely if those using them follow tried and true safety practices. That is especially true with younger hunters, who may not be old enough to drive, but can – and are – safely using firearms while hunting. The Mentored… Read more »

Understanding the Four Different Types of Rams

A trophy ram hunt can be a dream adventure for any hunter. Tioga Boar Hunting offers hunters the chance to set their sights on four different types of rams during our affordable, guided hunting trips. Rocky Mountain Rams These rams are known for their pale fur and impressive, curved horns. The land at Tioga Ranch… Read more »

Show Off Your Trophy With Taxidermy

Hunting is a great American pastime. Unlike many other activities or interests, hunting connects us to the past, to the natural world – and it’s an activity that is often shared between generations. There are few things in life as exciting as a successful hunt, particularly when you manage to bag a trophy animal, and… Read more »

Be Aware of Ticks During Lyme Disease Awareness Month

His name is Dr. Thomas N. Mather, but the world’s starting to call him “The Tick Guy” – and for good reason. Mather arrived at the University of Rhode Island in 1992 from the Harvard School of Public Health, and now serves as director of URI’s Center for Vector-Borne Disease and its TickEncounter Resource Center…. Read more »

Boar and Ram in Season for 2016

It’s getting to be time to book your spring hunting trip, and boar and ram are coming into season. Tioga Boar Hunting has a few great deals to offer you during the upcoming hunting season, and we guarantee that you and your friends will have a fun and successful weekend out in the Allegheny Mountains…. Read more »

The Corsican Ram: What You Need to Know

At Tioga Boar Hunting, we strive to provide a number of unique hunting experiences to our clients. Not only do we offer hunting packages for standard game like boar and deer, but we also give you the opportunity to hunt exotic Corsican rams. If you aren’t familiar with this animal, read on to learn a… Read more »