If you take a macro view of hunting, you’ll discover that there are pretty much three types of hunters. Which category do you fall into?
Food Source
Most hunters are utilitarian meat hunters. They were raised in rural areas where they or their neighbors probably raised animals, sometimes for slaughter. They probably had a dad or uncle involved in the farming industry. Long story short, utilitarian meat hunters aren’t worried about looking fancy or having fancy gear– they want to take their gun out and get meat to feed themselves, their family and perhaps some friends or neighbors. Animals are useful for the meat they provide.
After utilitarian meat hunters comes sport hunters. These are usually people from the city who happened to have served in the armed forces. They don’t know too much about animals, but they know they like the sport of hunting. They like competition and enjoy having mastery over animals in the context of a sporting contest. Instead of caring about hunting for meat, they prefer hunting for trophies.
Finally, there are the nature hunters. They hunt in order to be close(r) to nature. They’re generally younger (under 30), college-educated, white collar, know a lot about animals, and want to “get out in nature.”
Sport hunters probably get the most attention when it comes to hunting. It has been said there are about 5 stages of the evolution of a typical sport hunter. The first stage is the shooter stage, where it’s all about “getting in a lot of shooting.” The second stage is the limiting-out stage, where it’s about the number of birds or animals he or she has shot. Limiting-out (filling a tag) is their measure of success. The third stage is the trophy stage, where it’s all about a trophy to show off to others. The fourth stage is the method stage, where a hunter has all the equipment they could ever need and now they’re obsessed with how to improve the methods used for hunting what they’re most interested in. Finally comes the fifth stage, when a hunter has mellowed out to the point where they’re hunting to enjoy the company of others along with nature, and they’re not too concerned about taking game.
No matter what type of hunter you are, or what stage you’re at, Tioga Ranch is a great place to hunt. Call 570-835-5341 for info about guided deer and big game hunts in rural Pennsylvania.