Welcome to archery hunting season! October 4th marked the start of deer archery season in Pennsylvania. There have been some changes in restrictions this year, implemented by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. One of the largest changes is a decrease in antlerless (doe) licenses in most regions. This is actually an answer to hunter requests to see more doe in the field.
The PGC allocated 26,000 in Unit 4E doe licenses last year and that number has dropped to 21,000. Other regions of the state have experienced similar drops, with the most drastic being set in place in Unit 3D which saw a decrease to 25,000 licenses this year, as opposed to the 32,000 given out last year.
James Delaney, the game commissioner for Northeastern Pennsylvania commented on the fickle business of keeping deer herds an appropriate size, “Deer are like cows. Too many will eat you out of house and home.” He went on to explain that while hunters are eager to see deer populations grow, there needs to be a careful monitoring of how large that population gets in order to avoid deer using resources that other game animals need.
Another factor to be aware of this deer archery season is Chronic Wasting Disease. Discovered in 2012 in Pennsylvania, the neurological disorder has devastated parts of New York’s deer herds. In order to avoid the spread of disease, certain Pennsylvania counties have made it illegal to remove the upper canine teeth, spinal cord and brain material, head, and spleen from deer.
Be familiar with the legalities of deer archery season in your region. And for a game you’re unlikely to forget anytime soon, contact the professionals at Tioga Boar Hunting today!
Source: http://citizensvoice.com/news/archery-season-begins-today-for-pa-hunters-1.1764938