Hunters have the ability to hunt for almost any size animals that they want. There are some hunters that prefer to go after small game and others that favor big game. Which side of the fence do you fall on? If you’re not sure what separates small game hunting from big game hunting, continue reading to learn about what sets them apart.
What is small game hunting?
Small game hunting is, as its name would suggest, a type of hunting that involves animals that are on the smaller side. Generally speaking, small game refers to any animals that weigh under 40 pounds. This often includes pheasants, ducks, coyotes, and more. Hunters often hunt small game with guns like 20-gauge shotguns, .22 pistols, and other smaller firearms. Hunting licenses for small game hunting tend to be less expensive than licenses for big game hunting.
What is big game hunting?
While small game hunting involves mostly small animals, big game hunting is ideal for those who like hunting large animals. Any animals that weigh over 40 pounds would fall into this category. This includes deer, elk, wild boar, and more. Hunters are forced to hunt big game with more powerful guns than the ones used to hunt small game. They also usually have to pay more for licenses to go after big game.
Is small game or big game hunting better?
Only you can answer this question. There are some people who love the thrill of trying to track down and hunt small game and others who prefer all the meat that big game can provide. You’ll have to consider your reasons for hunting and your hunting experience before choosing either small game or big game hunting.
If you choose to go with big game hunting, Tioga Boar Hunting can help you schedule any number of big game hunts. Call us at 570-835-5341 today to hunt deer, wild boar, and even buffalo.